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Special Education

The Special Education Department

Emily Newman

When you hear the words Special Ed, what comes to your mind? What are the main thoughts that correlate to those two words? For a lot of people when they hear it, they use stigmas and presumptions. It’s normal, but that doesn’t mean it's right. Regardless of how you feel or the opinions you have, Special Education is an important thing that occurs at Case high school.

Case high school students are fortunate to be given the same opportunities and chances for educational development. Teachers try their bests to give each student a fair chance to get an educational experience.

Two of those staff members that work at Case, are Kathie Stayton and Sue Fesko. Both of them are huge part of the growth and development in special needs students. Without their helps, special ed students wouldn’t get fair opportunities compared to other students that attend school.

As stated earlier, there are a lot of judgements that are passed upon special needs or special education students. But what teachers and staff would like other students to know and understand is that, they are regular students just like everyone else. They experience the same emotions and experiences as we do. And they have the same stress we do if not more.

Thankfully Case high school has many opportunities for helping special needs students. They are given tasks and assignments that are needed to be completed for a grade just like other high school students. They even participate in adaptive gyms so they have opportunities to interact and use physical movements.

Special needs students are just like everyone else. They deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. And to be given the same chances and opportunities as other individuals. Thankful Case high school has wonderful staff members, to work alongside them to make sure that's exactly what those students are given.

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