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Are Student Athletes Getting Enough Sleep?

Are Students Athletes Getting Enough Sleep?

Madison Zuberbuehler

Have you ever fallen asleep in class? Have you ever been in a class with students sleeping? Do you ever feel like you're too tired to be in school? Why is this? What is to blame?

Young adults and teenagers should be getting 9 ½ hours of sleep a night. That means if you wake up one hour before school started, you would need to be asleep by 9:00pm.

How can that be possible when we have sports going from after school until 7:30 at night. Students are given an average of 1 ½ - 2 ½ hours of homework a night.

Student athletes also need more sleep than the normal student to enhance performance and focus. If they're at school until 7:30pm and have 2 ½ hours of homework, how will the proper amount of sleep be achieved?

Theres many possible solutions, but will it really solve anything? There's always going to be roughly 7 hours of school. There’s always going to be a lot of homework to be done, and there is always going to be student athletes. So, Are you getting enough sleep?

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