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Movie Review of the Week

Why him?

McKayla Righi

This movie starts off with a girl named (Stephanie) in college, and she is on the phone with her boyfriend (Laird). Laird is a billionaire internet young man, and he is going to come to stephanie’s dorm around six. What stephanie didn’t know was that her boyfriend had a surprise for her. Stephanie was going to facetime her father at his birthday party in front of everyone. While she was on facetime with her father, her family, and her father's friends were all there when Laird had walked into her room and started undressing himself. Everyone saw some very graphic things on the screen.

After this day Stephanie flew her family down to California to visit her. When her family got to California, they thought that they were going to go to stay at a nice hotel, but instead she surprised her family with something else. Stephanie had brought her family to Laird’s house, which they thought was small at first but once they got up to the gate it was a whole different story. They then found out he was a rich and had a huge house.

When the family first met Laird, they did not like him at all. The only one that liked him was the little brother. Laird was so nervous that he even got a tattoo of the family on his back. Laird was not your average ‘Meeting the Parent’s’ kind of guy. He had very bad language and a very kind heart at the same time. After a few days Laird asked Stephanie's dad (Ned), if he could have his blessing to marry his daughter. Of course Ned said “No” but after that Laird tried his hardest to win the Ned over.

Bad things went on and the family left and went back home. On christmas day Laird surprised stephanie with a very thoughtful gift. He had brought her home for the holidays, but she didn’t like it from what had happened earlier. Ned finally gave him his blessing to marry his daughter. When it was time for Laird to ask Stephanie to marry her… You have to watch the movie and find out!

This was a really good movie and I would definitely watch it, if I were you! ‘Why Him?’ had very funny parts and some were also sad. Along with there was a lot of bad language throughout the entire movie. I would recommend sixteen years or older because of the explicit language. Some parts were inappropriate for some viewers, other than that, this was a very good movie. I would rate it a four out of five stars. Go watch it now!

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