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Kellontra Riddle

I don't necessarily have a favorite teacher,but if you have a favorite teacher it doesn't necessarily mean that it's your favorite subject. Another scenario could be that your favorite teacher can turn your least favorite subject into your most enjoyable class. Could it just be because that class is laid-back, or could it be because those teachers come to your aid no matter what?

Maybe you don't have a favorite, and you are that student that just likes all your teachers. I know there are some teachers out there that you don't like, but some of us just don't like class in general, probably because we think it boring. “I think school is ok” is the the general consensus around the lunchroom when I surveyed a good sample of the freshman population one afternoon.

One freshman said: “Some teachers need to be a little bit more relaxed.” I can understand why they’re not at times. Their job is stressful. “It seems there are some teachers that are just out to get you.”, says another anonymous Case freshman and continued to say, “But to be honest, it goes both ways because there are some students that just like to pick on teachers, just to get a rise out of them.”

Based on my observations, there is one room in the building where students would rather be learning than any other room in the building. Wherever the internet works best. The computer lab in the upstairs part of the library.

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